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Martes, Mayo 15, 2012

Endocrinology (Endocrine system)

                In order for our body to function properly, there must be coordination to each body part. Endocrine system is also responsible for this just like our nervous system which sends electrical message to control our body. However endocrine system uses chemicals as the messengers to communicate to the different parts of the body. It is made up of different organs that produce the chemicals which serves as the messenger also known as hormones, substances that regulates body activities.Endocrinology is the study of our endocrine system. Endocrine glands are ductless where in they release the hormones directly in the system or blood stream and travels anywhere until they reach the organ they will act or the target organ.  They have specific shape and can be recognized only by their partner or target organ they come in antagonistic pairs with opposite effects.  Glands and hormones plays the major role in our endocrine system.

                The following glands make up our endocrine system. Pituitary gland also known as the master gland, releases hormones that controls some of the endocrine glands. It is divided into anterior and posterior lobe. Anterior lobe produces growth hormone, prolactin, thyrotropin and corticotropin. Posterior lobe releases  antidiuretic hormone and produces oxytocin. Pituitary gland is also responsible for the menstrual cycle and ovulation of women. Endorphine, pain receptor is also produced by this gland but it’s the hypothalamus which connects endocrine and nervous system controls the pituitary gland.

 Thyroid gland which butterfly in shape  regulates energy and emotional balance and produced thyroid hormones which contains iodine , substance important in order for thyroid hormones to be release. And in its dorsal portion is the parathyroid gland which is responsible in the level of calcium in the blood.

Pancreas is the one responsible in secreting insulin and glucagon to maintain level of sugar in the blood.

Adrenal glands  has two parts the cortex and medulla . medulla produce epinephrine while cortex secretes corticosteroids which are anti inflammatory.

 Thymus has something to do with immune system.
Gonads or the sex organs  are responsible in producing sex hormones. Androgen and testosterone by the testis of male and estrogen and progesterone by the female ovaries. Gonads are also under the control of pituitary glands